apparently people find it hard to fill out their ‘about’ page. That’s so weird. I mean, don’t we all love to talk about ourselves? Maybe not at first thought. Some of us are quite modest and kinda freeze if the spotlight is shone on us, but really, don’t we all want someone to be interested in us? I guess I sure do!
so here’s my chance!
obviously I make quilts. it’s been my most enduring interest. I’ve spent a good 30 years seeking color, pattern and texture combinations that will give me a thrill. (does that imply that I’m about 30ish:)? ok good! I’m actually closer to 40, just not sure at what exact age I started colouring and setting up Barbie houses so that’s why I say it’s been a 30 year journey.
besides quilting, I love the English countryside. I’ve visited there twice and fell in love. It feels like home although I don’t think my ancestors came from there. maybe it’s all my favorite books from childhood till now that are set in England.
I’m a personality and self improvement junkie. authenticity, vulnerability, and humility, these are the things I aspire to.
homes and interiors, I’m always dreaming up house plans and love driving through towns and looking into the windows of homes. I love old homes the best. unpretentious ones. I always seem to like things that have been worn in a bit, whether it’s quilts or houses.
quilting has always been my hobby. sometimes though, I get more business-y feelings about it, like I should start a newsletter. I should write up and sell a few of the pattern ideas that I have. or maybe I should write a book. I do enjoy thinking about branding and business and love to see other people succeed at making their interests into a successful business. So right now I’m in a phase like that. (don’t you see? I’m filling out this page!). I can’t promise it will last, but who knows? my kids are growing up! do I have more time? I don’t know… but I find it making more sense to pursue a few of the ideas that have been simmering for years.
so I’m happy to have you around, please sit down with a cup of coffee and read back through the years of my blog (it’s been 13 years I believe!). in recent years I think you’ll notice I haven’t had the energy available to put a lot into my posts. But I’m hoping that will change a bit. That I can pour a bit more of myself back into this little journal of mine here. Because I’ve always loved blogs. Can’t really stand all other forms of social media, but this here. yup I always love keeping track of what I’ve made and hopefully it inspires you to make a quilt too!
also, I suggest you sign up to follow my blog if you like it. If you sign up to follow by email, you’ll get a simple notification when I make a new blog post, and I’m also dabbling with the idea of sending out a monthly letter. I’m working on writing one right now actually, and it’s full of behind the scene tidbits that I just never post on my blog. like some stuff I’m working on, and a recent funky fabric I found and tips where to find something similar. and a pattern I ran across that I really like and want to make. and just stuff like that. so ya, if that sounds interesting to you, then please do sign up!