Do the colors in this quilt look familiar? They’re all the leftover fabrics from the last quilt I showed you. When I cut out all the squares for that quilt, I put all the scraps aside in their own little pile because I just loved this color combo so much.
Then I used exactly those scraps, (and some of the fabrics didn’t have any scraps, so that’s why the color palette is slightly different) to randomly piece together this top. I used them ALL up, so the quantities of each color were completely uncontrolled by me.
I really do love the finished quilt. It’s so hard to truly randomly place colors in this way, but on this quilt I forced myself not to balance colors or overthink the design. (At least as much as I am able)
This one was finished up months ago but I didn’t want to show it to you till it’s original partner was complete!
The last photo shows the two sister quilts side by side. You can see that there weren’t many purple scraps left over.
Lovely and tactile
Great use of scraps!
This looks great! I love how it includes so many colors but still doesn't seem too busy.
Love the quilt. I am trying to get brave enough to make a quilt in this manner. Don't know how soon that will happeb. lol
What a wonderful outcome, looks fantastic…
Both of these quilts are spectacular! I also think that sorting and storing the scraps for the next quilt project is a great idea; I hope to use that idea and see what happens. Scrap quilts are my favorite choice for quilts, but so often I just add them to a huge tote and occasionally cut them down into specific block sizes. I do not do it often enough though and they just keep growing. LOL. Thank you for sharing the photos and the idea. Have a wonderful creative day!
They're both fabulous, love the hot pink n there!
Love this quilt. A great idea and it looks pretty simple as well – win win!
Really love this quilt. It is hard to be random sometimes.
It looks as though you are having fun! I love them both ; )
It's absolutely beautiful!
That's a great idea, both quilts look great. I love the pinks with the other saturated colors.
I'm kind of surprised you didn't use this for the backing because that would have been pretty cool. But two sister quilts is probably even cooler!
It's amazing;)
Absolutely lovely
I love this color combo too! Good job!
I love this color combo too! Good job!