I pieced this quilt before Christmas, with the idea that it would be a Christmas throw that was not too Full-on Christmas. I can’t say that it feels like a quilt I would generally make. Like maybe it’s a bit…
Scrap Quilts Update
Hello dear quilting friends! The last few weeks I’ve been chugging away on cutting up all my scraps and making them into quilt tops. As you can see, I’ve been successful in completely cleaning out my scrap bins. ( had…
2019 Scraps Become 2020 Quilts
I decided January was a good time to make some scrappy quilts and use up these baskets of scraps. I’m going to tell you how I’m planning to do that, but first I had some questions on my scrap storage…
Aunt Bet’s Quilt
And one last finish to record for 2019! I just sewed the last of the binding on this one yesterday. The pattern is Aunt Bet’s Quilt, by Frankie and Ray. Truly a lovely and enjoyable pattern to make. So simple,…
Small Basket Quilt
First of all, we have this years old work in progress. A huge basket quilt, which yes, I did finish the top this last year! It is also the one project from the last quarter of 2019 that I did…
Green Carolina Chain Quilt
I finished up this little quilt at least a month ago, but finally sharing it so I can add it to the linkup for the Fourth Quarter Finishalong. This top was in my pile to finish up, and I did…