Scrappy Nine Patch and Some Scrap Management
Can you see the patches of dark and light in this quilt? I sewed together alternating 9 patches of darks and lights (with medium values thrown in helter skelter). I just used my stack of 2.5″ squares from my scrap…
Making a Scrappy Mexico Quilt {and a notice if you bought the pattern before March 12, 2015}
Today I want to show you how simple and fun it is to make this pattern in a scrappy manner. But first of all, if you have purchased the pattern already, please read the next paragraph! ********************************************************************************** I realized today…
Potent Ansonia Quilt
Three Thoughts on a Saturday (actually four)
As I was rocking my baby back to sleep in the dark bedroom last night I had three thoughts. Well, it started with one thought and then moved on to the next, which brought me to the third. First of…
Fabric Selection for Mexico Quilt: Color, Value and Pattern
As you will notice in the photos above, the pattern includes this nifty black and white drawing of the quilt design. I suggest that you photocopy a few of these and then you can color and play with different combos…