I’ve been such a good girl, finishing up all my ufo’s. I’ve got a pile of finished quilts to show you! In between though, I had a few of those irrational moments where I just had to start something new. …
A Tale of Three Quilts #2
A Tale of Three Quilts/#1
On Selling Quilts
When I made this Flying Geese Quilt, I saved the little strips left over from cutting. I had an idea for a mini project that I wanted to make with them. Today I had a few minutes in the sewing…
Quilting Update
Not a lot of sewing has been done, since we were camping last week, but here’s a bit of progress! I hope to do a lot more quilting this week… Firstly a little quilt top that’s now basted, just not…
Filling the Shelves
Yup, there’s been a bit of fabric coming in lately.. oops! But in my defence, most of this bundle was to finish a project and then I just had to throw in a few more fabrics to make it worthwhile;)…