This blog post is just my need to get a list written down to clear my head:) Therefore you may find it very boring! If that’s the case, you can head over to Adrianne’s blog On the Windy Side. She…
More Fabric!
I’ve been so good for so long…with buying all.the.fabric., that is! Here’s a warning that I think I’m tipping over into the other ditch just a bit here. I’m realizing that it’s best to have a nice slow trickle of…
Bright with Black and White
Hand Dyed Quilt
Fabric Destash
Spring Fever Destash Time!! I can’t believe that I’m really parting with all this stuff, but maybe you can benefit!! We’ve got…ziploc bags stuffed with scraps…works in progress…and huge teetering rainbow stacks from my stash of fat quarter to half…