I really didn’t think I’d see this quilt ever completed, but here it is! I went searching back in my blog to see when it was started, and looks like it was 2013 when I hand appliquéd the center piece. I would have made the next two borders sometime after that and then it sat in the drawer for years. I’d take it out once in a while and think I should finish it up, but was never quite feeling inspired.
A couple of months ago, I decided to stop overthinking it and just finish it up! And then a ‘sort of local’ long armer had their yearly sale, and I sent a few quilts off to be quilted, like I’m always tempted to do once a year. I do slightly regret not taking the time to hand quilt this one, because now that it’s done, I do think it’s a good one.
It’s quite bright, but overall the design and colors work well. I don’t really see anything that I glaringly dislike. The center piece was inspired by Gwen Marston’s Medallion Quilt book. I cut out and put it together without a pattern, and so it’s slightly wonky look is ok with me.

The first border with these floating pink squares is also an idea from her book, and I think it might be my favorite part of this quilt.

It’s pretty fun seeing all these fabrics that are long used up. This gray print that I used for the basket is a wonderful fabric. I believe it’s a Barbara Brackman from her collection ‘Metropolitan Fair’. Oh yes I know this because I’ve searched for it, but alas it’s nowhere to be found online. It’s just a great warm gray with a bit of a print. The very best type of fabric in my opinion.

These outside borders are more recent fabrics, ones that are in my stash now. That’s because I just added them on a few months ago… See the selvedge words that I left on that one star?

I used a cuddle fabric on the back… So it’s fairly soft.

It’s so fun to look at all these fabrics… I can name the designer of all of them, and the collection name of some… I know there are some other fabric nerds out there like me, I’m so glad I’m not the only one! It’s mostly useless info, but sometimes I wish there was a spelling bee type of competition where we had to identify fabrics from the last 15 years… wouldn’t that be fun?
I’ve actually fallen mostly out of touch in recent years as I’ve focused more on vintage and reproduction type fabrics and less on current designers. But still it cracks me up to think of all that info in my head that does me no good, lol. I suppose a lot of us have interesting trivia or facts we know about an obscure or maybe outdated topic. And wouldn’t it be kinda fun to impress people with it someday? oh well, one can dream…

yes, this quilt truly is a bit of a time capsule for me, so I suppose I’ll keep it… once again it does not fit my home decor colors or style at all… I seem destined to produce bright colored quilt. I love old fashioned faded things the most… but I’m also drawn to the designs of the current fabric designers. You know what would be perfect? If Heather Ross, the Ruby Star designers, Denyse Schmidt, Anna Maria Horner, and so many more, would make the same designs but in more muted old fashioned colors. Oh my, I’d be so excited!! I feel like Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt was an example of that for me. The colors were so perfect, and I’m still using them in pretty much every quilt… still holding out hope it will be reprinted.
But seriously is there any of the rest of you who would also like the type of fabric I’m describing? So imagine this Social Climber print by AMH (it’s the aqua background with the yellow roses above). in slightly more muddy muted colors. Oh. my. that would be gorgeous. Or pretty much any of the Ruby Star cute and whimsical prints but in warmer muddier tones…. Like actually the Heirloom collection was more that way… anyone know what I’m talking about? Sorry just getting abit fabric nerdy here. I’d like there to be a law that nothing could be designed with a pure white background. Just kidding, I realize this is only my opinion and some of you like cool crisp designs.
So I’ve got three more completed quilts to show you soon, and lots more in progress. I’m madly quilting because I sense spring approaching!
Hello! The quilt is gorgeous! I’d like to challenge you to a trivia night. I think you may have been quilting 1-2 more years than me, but I would be a worthy opponent! Also I am still currently obsessed and recognized the Amy Sinibaldi hearts. My friends laugh that I know them ALL!
Hope Valley has my favorite gray print—it’s a light gray with medium diamonds with darker centers. I’m sure you know the one!
Lately I’ve been buying Kim Diehl and Laundry Basket.