Exciting news, friends! You have the chance to win some amazing fabric! First off we’ve got this bundle of great solids from MadAboutPatchwork. You’ve likely heard me mention this shop before. One of the main reasons I like to shop…
Acquiring Fabric {building a stash} Part 2
Here we are for the second part of my post on acquiring fabric! Last week I talked about the different colors and types of fabric you want in your stash. You can read the first half here. Today we’ll talk…
Arrow Quilt
Acquiring Fabric {building a stash} Part 1
First of all we’re going to talk about what kinds of fabrics we want in our stash. We’ll pretend that the practicalities like how and where and how much, aren’t an issue. Those will be the second part of this…
Untitled Post
Welcome to this laid back quiltalong, where we’ll be talking about some of the basics of quilting. Starting with buying fabrics, and going all the way through till your quilt is completed, as I write each new post I’ll add…
on a {future} quiltalong
I’m so excited by the enthusiasm for a beginner’s quilt-along-thingie! I know this has been done before, and there are lots of resources out there, so we’re not covering anything new. There’s always something to learn, though! For myself, I’m…