monday musing
well, i tried to get a few full photos of my massive swoon quilt. it’s tough though. none of my regular spots properly accomodate a king sized quilt. and my five-year-old is so helpful, but i guess he can’t hold…
Fabric! Fabric!
I’ve spent the last week cutting fabric into 5″ squares and making up fun little bundles. Now I’m gonna try and sell a few to someone who likes charm pack squares with personality! These bundles are the equivalent of 3…
Smallish Triangles and a bit about bindings
Just a few more thoughts on Granny…
1. Granny Square Quilt #finishit2013, 2. Granny Square Baby Quilt, 3. Granny Squares front, 4. vintage granny square quilt!, 5. Granny Square Quilt, 6. Granny Square Table Topper, 7. harper and kate holding my granny square quilt, 8. My Granny…
Finished Swoon!!
After about a year!!! this quilt is finished! The hand quilting took the longest, but with the help of my mom, aunties, grandmas, and friends, we got ‘er done! My mom designed, and my grandpa made a large quilt frame…