Ever wondered why I named my blog what I did? You can find out the super juicy details over here at Cindy’s blog, Live A Colorful Life. She’s doing a very unique and fun series on this topic. I’ve…
yes, i’m workin’ on stuff halfway done this one two more twin size although one I can’t show you …
Fact #17
my house is sorta cleaned up and the laundry caught up, OR i make quilts. not both. last week my house was cleaned up. this week i’m gonna quilt (i hope!)
A quilt for Maddie
This little quilt was different than most that I make, because it’s for my new little niece. My husband’s youngest brother and his wife just had their first baby, so I had a LOT of fun making this one! These…
Rainbow Squared
I wanted to show you this quilt, but I don’t have a lot of words to add. I have purposefully chosen to keep this blog only as a journal of my quilting. Most of the time, I’m great with that….
Texas Star Quilt Block Tutorial
Yes, here’s the tutorial for the star block that I first made in this quilt. The pattern originally came from an older quilting book that is full of traditional quilt block patterns. It included templates, but absolutely no instructions. I’ve…