Tip #1
This is a tip, not a rule. an insight on how I make/design my quilts.
Don’t cut out the whole quilt before you start sewing. Make a couple of blocks, maybe 2 to 4.
Do you like them?
Are the fabrics you chose working out the way you envisioned?
You want to make enough blocks at a time that you can be efficient and employ chain piecing, but few enough that you can change directions as you study your quilt growing block by block.
It is fine to have your stack of fabrics chosen ahead of time. Just be ready to pull out different fabrics as the quilt takes shape and you realize you want a slightly different look.
I agree. Fortunately after cutting up all the fabric for one block, for a quilt, taphat I ended up not liking , I managed to cut our another block, and I had just enough fabric to make one that was fabulous.
I do that too, but mostly because I don't like spending so much time cutting when I am anxious to get to sewing. But it does serve me well in changing direction without having wasted cut fabric.
True that! Learned the hard way….
Thanks you so much for your Tip#1. As you know with almost all patterns they give instructions to cut out all of the fabrics first, so your insight on your process has opened my eyes. I am a huge fan of your work and you have taught me more about value and different fabrics than anyone. I have been quilting since 2012. Thanks again.