So excited about this quilt! First of all, it’s one of my favorite quilt blocks. Secondly, I wrote a tutorial for it, and it’s free! I’m offering it to everyone who signs up to follow my blog. I knew I wanted to offer a free pattern for signing up, cuz that’s what all the cool kids are doing you know? :).
So I thought and thought on what that should be. I knew it had to be something that I felt inspired by and truly loved. But also not something that’s everywhere else… so that can be tricky! But I have this other quilt that I made awhile back that has these hollow stars in it, and every time I look at it, I think that those stars are just the best stars ever.
So I started making more of them and perfecting the size and method. Because a block may seem simple but what I’ve found is that to have a timeless quilt block that always looks good, you need to get the size and shape just right. And so I feel like I hit a sweet spot with this one. I challenge you to make one of these blocks and not think it looks real good!

And then I started to have so many ideas of different layouts for this star… so I said to myself, “Just slow down here. Make up a simple tutorial for this star, and then you can make a quilt with each of these different layouts, and in different color schemes and you can share those on the blog!”
So yay! That’s what I did! If you’re currently a subscriber to my blog, you will have received an email with a link to this pattern that you can download (if you like). And if you’re not subscribed yet, you can get the pattern by adding your email to the spot in the sidebar.

In my next post, I plan to talk aallll about my fabric choices for this quilt. So stay tuned for that because I may already have an idea for my next one with one of the other layout options that I included drawings of in the pattern.
If you haven’t caught on by now, I’m really enthused about this quilt block and it’s amazing possibilities! And if you’ve been thinking ‘oh, that’s just an Ohio Star block’, well, nope it’s not! Sure it’s similar, but different enough that it gives quite a different look. I talk a bit more about that as well in the pattern, and I plan to elaborate more on the blog as well… So stay tuned! Oh yes, and if you find yourself making some of these blocks, or even a whole quilt, then feel free to share on Instagram under the hashtag #starhollowquilt, or send me an email with your photo at jolene@blueelephantstitches.com.
It’s perfect!!!
yes it is in every way!
Dear Jolene, could the pattern also be sent to us who already are on your mailing list? Thank you for inspiration!
Oh my. I love it!!
this is a beautiful timeless quilt! I want to curl up on that chair with it 😄 can’t wait to try the pattern!
I have loved your fabric choices for all your quilts, it will be fun for me to learn your process. This is another wonderful quilt!!
I love this quilt and quilt block! Your color and fabric choices are so good, as always. Thank you for the free pattern. I always look forward to reading your posts and am excited to hear more about this block.
Thank you for the pattern. I love star quilts!
I’ve been a long time follower of your blog and your free spirited style of quilt making! I don’t know why I haven’t subscribed before! Now to enjoy your quilts even more!
Like everyone else, I love you style and color selections. Your quilts are lovely and you are an inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern tutorial.
All the stars! Love this beautiful quilt!
It’s wonderful!
This is a great pattern and quilt!
thank you.
i just love the straight line quilting. it doesn’t detract from the quilt. thanks for sharing this fabulous idea. i will attempt a block but i’m just a beginner.
Thank you for the pattern! I’ve added it to my list of quilts to make. I always appreciate your beautiful quilting. I much prefer to do my own quilting on my domestic machine so it’s a breath of fresh air to see yours.
I look forward to seeing most posts about this great quilt and the tutorial!
loving the simplicity look of the pattern although much planning has gone into it.
Thank you for sharing your excitement and pattern! This version looks like one to get cozy with! 🙂
Absolutely in love with this quilt!
Sign me up to read all about it!
I love this! And I re-signed up using my current email so I can hopefully receive a copy of your pattern/directions. Thanks for sharing!
hi! I’ve subscribed, but the pattern doesn’t seem to be getting through to me. Should it come in my email? (I looked in my spam folder as well). I have some fabrics ready to go, even though I have quite a few other projects going too…
Your quilts are always inspiring and this is absolutely beautiful 😍
Hi Jolene…like another commenter, I’ve subscribed but haven’t yet received your lovely pattern. Checked my spam folder and it isn’t there so I resubscribed to give it another go. Actually, I’ve tried several times to get get you posts and it has never seemed to work. Hope this time it works. Thank you for the pattern, I love everything you’ve made.
I have not received my pattern either and I really want it! It’s so beautiful.
I’m not sure if I accidentally deleted the email with the free tutorial for this block or I didn’t get it. I am on your mailing list. Can I get it ‘again’?
I cannot wait for this pattern to brighten my New Year. So funny, I never heard of Jolene Klassen, but I have been following Blue Elephant Stitches forever…until Bloglovin disappeared…Great luck to find you. xo
I just signed up for the email and I would like to get the instructions or pattern for the star hollow quilt how do I do that?
I love this quilt pattern an fabric choices. But I like any star quilt!