I really didn’t think I’d see this quilt ever completed, but here it is! I went searching back in my blog to see when it was started, and looks like it was 2013 when I hand appliquéd the center piece….
Choosing Fabrics For Your Quilt
Do you want to make a quilt, but then stand in front of your fabrics and feel blank? I totally get that, I feel that way sometimes too! I think that’s the refrain I hear the most from other quilters….
Norah Quilt
I knew it had been a while since I’d written a blog post, but can’t believe it was May?! While my blogging came to a complete standstill in summer, my quilting has resumed, which means I have quite a…
The Secrets of My Fabric Stash
Occasionally I receive questions on how I choose fabrics for my quilts, and/or acquire fabrics for my stash. There’s not a simple answer for this, as it’s a bit of a task to analyze one’s own intuitive process! I’ve decided…
Fabric Love Monday
fat quarter bundle available here I was having fun snooping around at Fabric Spark’s shop and put together these two bundles. Daryl was kind enough to put them both together as fat quarter bundles in case any one should take…
Wild and Crazy Fat Quarter Bundle
While feeding the new wee babes at all hours of the day and night, I’ve been finding myself browsing the online fabric shops a little more than usual. Let’s just say it hasn’t been that good for my pocketbook (aka…
Filling the Shelves
Yup, there’s been a bit of fabric coming in lately.. oops! But in my defence, most of this bundle was to finish a project and then I just had to throw in a few more fabrics to make it worthwhile;)…
The Great Neutrals Hunt
That’s right! I’m on a “Great Neutrals Hunt”! This is of course a fun hunt, because it involves fabric shopping, but since I do most of my shopping online, not every print that I buy becomes a ‘Great’ neutral. Therefore…
More Fabric!
I’ve been so good for so long…with buying all.the.fabric., that is! Here’s a warning that I think I’m tipping over into the other ditch just a bit here. I’m realizing that it’s best to have a nice slow trickle of…
Fabric Status
Blog posts about fabric….love ’em?…or hate em?… I guess I kinda like them, so you can just skip this if it’s not your thing! If you read regularly, you may have picked up the fact that over the last year…
Choosing Fabric for a Quilt {part 1}
We’re slowly moving along in our Learn to Quilt with BlueElephantStitches. There’s so much one could learn and talk about that I find it hard to narrow it down into a bite sized chunk that makes sense! So the #1…
Two Fab Shops {and a giveaway!}
Exciting news, friends! You have the chance to win some amazing fabric! First off we’ve got this bundle of great solids from MadAboutPatchwork. You’ve likely heard me mention this shop before. One of the main reasons I like to shop…