This quilt was started at least four years ago. My plan all along was that it would be a queen size for my guest bedroom. It took me a long time to finish, because it was a bit of…
Jacob’s Ladder Nine Patch Quilt Scrap Quilt #7
Remember my quest to use up all my scraps? Well here’s #6 all finished up! Years ago I had a quilt book that included this pattern. I no longer have that book, but I did make a quilt in 2012…
Scrap Quilt #6
Time to show you another of the scrap quilts! This is one that wasn’t in the plans either. As I was nearing the end of cutting up all the scraps, I seemed to have a nice sized pile of little…
Scrap Quilt #5
So my last quilt (the pinwheel one) used up all the ‘dirty’ or ‘muddy’ colors. This one is all the ‘clean colors. So the squares all started at 5″, and I had to go to my fabric stash to supplement…
Scrap Quilt #4
I feel like this is a lot of photos of quilt #4, but there were just so many individual blocks and fabric combos that I love, I wanted to show them all close up! So as I was cutting up…
Scrap Quilt #3
This quilt was made up of all the leftover 2.5″x3.5″ rectangles. There was obviously no color plans here at all. I included every piece that was left. I did alternate light and dark values (although only relative to the color…
Scrap Quilt #2
I’m planning to show you these scrap quilts in the order that I made the tops. So as I was cutting out scraps, I realized that my blacks/darks and also my whites/lights baskets, had some larger chunks in them. I…
Scrap Quilt #1
So excited to start showing you my finished scrap quilts for 2020! For a bit more background, read this post here. Basically I decided to clean out every. last. scrap. and see how many quilts it would make. Turns out…
Christmas Quilt
I pieced this quilt before Christmas, with the idea that it would be a Christmas throw that was not too Full-on Christmas. I can’t say that it feels like a quilt I would generally make. Like maybe it’s a bit…
Aunt Bet’s Quilt
And one last finish to record for 2019! I just sewed the last of the binding on this one yesterday. The pattern is Aunt Bet’s Quilt, by Frankie and Ray. Truly a lovely and enjoyable pattern to make. So simple,…
Small Basket Quilt
First of all, we have this years old work in progress. A huge basket quilt, which yes, I did finish the top this last year! It is also the one project from the last quarter of 2019 that I did…
Green Carolina Chain Quilt
I finished up this little quilt at least a month ago, but finally sharing it so I can add it to the linkup for the Fourth Quarter Finishalong. This top was in my pile to finish up, and I did…