Log Cabin
Rainbow Log Cabin
Princess Log Cabin
Lucy’s Crab Shack Quilt
a little one that i love, and a tip
I know, two posts in one day… the thing is that my computer is at the office, and I’m mostly here on Tuesdays, so things tend to pile up a bit. I finished this one up a bit ago. It…
just another quilt
Last fall I won a bundle of Joel Dewberry’s Heirloom during Rachel’s Festival of Color. Now this collection would likely not have been a must-purchase for me, so it was neat to receive these fabrics that are slightly different from…
Rainbow Squared
I wanted to show you this quilt, but I don’t have a lot of words to add. I have purposefully chosen to keep this blog only as a journal of my quilting. Most of the time, I’m great with that….