I was writing imaginary blog posts in my head while basting this quilt this afternoon. Nothing like a little mindless pinning to get the thoughts whirling. I often find myself thinking in the form of writing, and I can write some quite interesting, informative, well-thought out and even witty stuff in my head… but you’ll just have to take my word for it, cause it rarely gets any farther than that.
I’ve struggled with this alot, and often wonder how other bloggers get past this little problem. I’d like to be my real self here and just write as thought no one else will read these words. But the fact is, someone will read them! And I tend to get myself all tied up in a little wad about how weird my words will sound, or that I’m not explaining myself clearly, so people will take it all wrong. (Ok, I think I’ve written about this before:)
I’m honestly not sure how to get past this little problem… anyone have some advice for me? Meanwhile, all the interesting dialogue I was having with myself while basting has disappeared. I can’t even remember what I was thinking about! Oh well, I guess it wasn’t that important.
I’m hoping to get this baby quilted soon and finish up a few more quilts as well. My Etsy shop has been sadly neglected the last while. The fabrics in this quilt were an impulse buy. I saw them as a new arrival at Hawthorne Threads (Griffith Park by Alexander Henry) I fell in love with the fun shapes and unusual color combo. I have a healthy respect for the speed at which Hawthorne Threads sells out of popular fabric lines, and so I quickly loaded up on enough to make a little quilt. I’m especially fond of that pink hilly print in the top photo. I’ll have some “finished” photos soon!
I could have written that first paragraph! Glad to hear it's not just me. Always like reading what your write and seeing your lovely quilts!
I am loving this AH fabric! im debating getting 5 yards of the rolling hills in yellow, but its hard to sink that much money into fabric ive never seen in person!! do you love it?
i feel the same way about writing on my blog…i think it must be quite common…
Oh my-that fabric is too cute!
I think so many of us have the same trouble with putting ourselves out there on these silly blog things. I think Grandma K summed things up well in her last couple of posts-we all have a story to tell. I'm sure the more we write the more comfortable we will get…right? Maybe?!
I LOVE your blog, Jo, it's so attractive and everything you write always encourages me to go on with whatever project I'm working on! You are one of the most humble people with all your talent.
Delicious prints, that is going to be one gorgeous baby quilt! I'm like you, drafting things in my head …and then completely forgetting those moments of..brilliance…ahem 🙂
I'm new to blogging but have already had the same problem. Ooodles of ideas that end up as scraps of things written down – never to be understood later, or ideas that don't even get written down, let alone remembered! 🙂
Hi Jolene–not sure if I've commented here before or not (pretty sure I have at your other quilting blog). Anyway, I really love your blog and your posts and your musings. I'm kind of a quilting blog lurker as I have a book blog (more personal these days), but I've had these thoughts a million times. Especially when writing about whether or not I liked a book and why. It's amazing how people can take a simple word the wrong way. Self-editing has caused me to have big lapses in my posting. But–sometimes you just have to push past it and maybe just pretend that you are writing for yourself. Anyway–all this to say that I think you do a fantastic job and I love your thoughts.
The fabric in that quilt is really nice, I look forward to seeing it finished.
My thought is that maybe you should consider a journal, on the compute or in a nice book. Write your thoughts as you have them. Then you can decide what goes on the blog, but don't discount your ideas just because you have second thoughts about publishing them to the world. Sometimes I think the problem is that we start at the publishing page and that it is a bit overwhelming, by writing elsewhere first you have time to think, edit, improve your ideas before you have to hit "publish".
so cute! this quilt is going to be lovely!
Good question. I have the same problem getting words from head to paper. It loses something in the process. As a former newspaper reporter I just write the facts, which is usually not all that interesting or inspiring. I even keep a journal and do sometimes print something funny about my mother. However, usually when I go back and read my notes I think, no one is interested in that. I'm looking for answers too.
I just blether (scottish term for waffle, talk, chit chat…) away as if I'm just talking to myself (which I also do a lot of!) when I'm writing a blog post. At the end of the day, you write a blog to showcase your stuff, your thoughts, your makes, your finds and YOU. Just you. If people like what they see (and read) they'll come back, if not, they won't. All you can be is yourself, just write what comes naturally into your head as you're thinking about the projects you're showing off. Why you made it, why you chose the fabrics, if you enjoyed making it…..you'll look back on your posts in years to come and you'll love reading back all of these thoughts that were in your head! (hopefully!!)
Oh, we've all been there. Pinning is like being in the shower or trying to go to bed – all the sudden all those ideas…
Last night I couldn't be bothered to get my safety pins out and just used straight pins. My husband had to put up with my gasps of pain. Your way is much better.
Haha to Rachel above. I get the BEST ideas in the shower. And after I dry off, I wonder, "Hmmm, what was that idea again?" And I have the same problems with writing. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I usually put myself back to sleep (so maybe THAT should be a clue to something) by writing a most fabulous blog post in my head. I love your blog. Keep doing what you are doing!
I totally could have written this post. I really struggle with turning my thoughts into written words and I often conceive of the best, most informative, well written posts in my head and later forget how to string the words together or forget the topic all together. I've been like this ever since I can remember. When I was younger I used to keep a drawing journal so I could draw out my feelings instead of writing them out.
I've taken a new approach lately though and I've begun to take note of my thoughts as I'm having them (like, while piecing my quilt blocks) instead of trying to remember them later. I'm using the "notebook" app on my phone and I'm typing my thoughts there. When I'm ready to write the post related to those thoughts, I'll just email myself those notes, and I feel like I'll have a good starting off point for my post. We'll see though.
Good luck with your writer's block and know you aren't alone. Your blog is a favorite of mine and I am always eager to see what you have created. 🙂
I like the idea of taking notes on your phone! I might try that … my main problem is I never have any interesting ideas! But if I ever did, I would blog them. To me, the most interesting blogs are the jagged ones – where you get a sense of the person and their difference. Not so fond of the bland ones (not that yours is! sorry, I've been a lurker).
Thank you for commenting on my post today. I agree with what you said. And I agree that if someone else inspires you should link back to them. Sigh…it's so hard being a designer isn't it? 😉 you should def. write a post on this topic!